July 09, 2007
Busy Weekend

I had a coffee event... it was Bikefest... there were hundreds of motorcycles in town, I wasn't able to go out and take pictures it was too busy. They had several vendors.. selling their wares... there was a tattoo artist, a massage therapist , there was lots and lots of leather and many patches. They also had a poker run and live music, and I didn't get to sit down at all. :) There were people from all over for this event.. Vancouver, Seattle, Spokane, Canada, Portland, California, I am sure from more places but this was just the people I chatted with while making coffee.
I am seriously thinking about keeping the cart through next winter but then I think I will sell it.. I just don't want to do this all by myself and it is too hard to find help.. everyone is looking for help. I do not understand why it is so hard to get help on the coast, you can find work on ever corner.
While I was doing the coffee for the event Robert was actually doing the event... he had a booth with a motorcycle that is be raffled for special Olympics.. he said he sold 70 tickets at the show so that is pretty awesome. I couldn't get out of my own way by the time it was over so I slept in Sunday morning and Robert went to Manzanita to play golf with his friend Monte, as Monte and Phyllis were heading home they stopped by and we went to breakfast we let the puppies play together for awhile and they loved it.
After they headed home Robert mowed the lawn.. then we took the bed apart that my daughter Roxane is coming to pick up this week... and moved the other bed into that room. I am so excited we are almost done with the walls in what is going to be my office/craft room. woohoo.. I cant wait to get it done. We did some touch up in there and some spackling in the other room so we are going to finally get both rooms painted, the colors the first owners had them painted were way too dark.
July 03, 2007

I wish I was better at keeping up on the blog.. what a great couple of weeks we have had. We were surprised by some long time friends of ours... we belonged to the same church for many years. They moved away and then we moved away.. they found us on the Internet and were down camping on the coast and called. we met for dinner, it was so much fun reminiscing and visiting with them. we hope they come back soon.
My sister and her daughter and her daughters friend came down for a week and we had a great time. My sister was able to get some rest and have fun also. We went to Salem one of the days and stopped and visited with our Aunt and Uncle in Dallas, Oregon. We took them to dinner and then headed home .. but had to stop and shop at Target and Ross... I do miss Target.
One day my sister and I took off by ourselves and went to pacific City and and toured the city a little. We went to the Pelican Pub and Brew, had a great lunch and out on the patio by the ocean. We headed home and stopped at the Tillamook cheese factory and bought goodies. I love having my sister here... I wished she lived here, I wish my whole family would move down here.

I had a big coffee event last week... and it was the first one that I have done by myself since I had my surgery, It kicked my butt.... but I had a good time and felt pretty good... tired but I must be getting all my energy back because I was not wiped out when I was done. This was COSA the "Confederation of Oregon School Administrators" They were a great group.
Saturday Robert had a Rotary dinner so we dressed up and went to that.. and hey I walked in and was completely over dressed yikes. oh well.. I would rather be over dressed than under.. it was a good time had by all. Robert is President Elect and will take over in 2008 for a year (go figure).
Then Sunday we drove to Portland with friends and their friends that we had met before, we went to the "Stomp" concert... it was SOOOOO awesome I did not want it to end. You really need to see it. (Gina when were you there we were there at 3pm on Sunday)
Our friends gave us a little tour of Portland by the Rose Gardens.. beautiful. We then went to Vancouver to a restaurant called Beaches.. I didn't know we were guests. There was a sign and a menu that said welcome to .. and had our friends names on it and Seaside friends.... how cool is that.. when we were done making little piggies of our selves.. they came up and said thank you for coming your meals are taken care of.. wooohoooo.. it was a lot of fun.. and we really did get home at a decent time after all that.
Then I got up and headed to Gig Harbor to help my daughter out for the week while her husband is out of town on business, and little Danelle's birthday party. I had a really good time there and was able to have quiet time with my daughter which is very hard to do when you have children in the house. :-) On the way home I stopped off at my Sons and spent the night with them, and they made dinner and the boys had so much fun roasting marshmallows.

Robert has been pretty busy with Oregon Special Olympics this weekend, getting ready for the Miss Oregon pageant, 4th of July, and Bikefest which is all happening the first week of July. This is the department's busy season and it stays that way until early September.
I hope this find you all well, and enjoying your summer.