I know I know... there have been people bugging me about where the
blog is. Here I am.. it has been so long.. Two and a half months! It really has
been so busy. Excuse typos nonesense etc.. *grin*
August was a busy month of preparing for Shayne's memorial which we
celebrated here in Seaside.. it was a wonderful tribute to him. It was
a humbling, emotional, tearful journey I think that he was honored in
the way that Florence, Eleasha and Josh wanted. Police Chaplain Jerry Gaidos
performed the memorial for Shayne.. what a great job he did. After the
memorial we all went to the beach and had a fire and smores, we stayed
out for several hours. I enjoyed having my family here.
Robert was busy like crazy all summer.. He had National Night out..
that went very well, volleyball tournament (it was crazy in town), we
had a parade with the Clydesdale horses.. Wheels & Waves,and Hood to
Coast, He did the "Buddy Walk" for children with down syndrome, going
back and forth to Portland and Corvallis for meetings and tri-cities
for him mom.
We have had a lot of work done on the yard.. though it doesn't really
look like it.. but I guess that is where that saying comes from..
"chaos before order" yikes.. what a mess. The retaining wall is done
and the city said we passed inspection.. yahoo.. it is so nice that it
is done. isn't that a riot... the house is 6 years old.. we are the 3rd
owners and we are just now passing inspection. We had all the ivy
pulled from the slope.. that cost us 6 times what we thought it would
be.. yikes. and we have not been able to get anything done to it
because we were waiting for the boulders delivered.. they are now in..
and of course they were huge at the nursery.. but when they placed
them down on the slope they shrunk.. *grin*.. so we may be adding
more.. we will see.
I enjoyed having Florence's neighbor (my friend now) and her sister
visiting Seaside, I was able to get together with them a couple of
times during their time here.
Little girl Danelle' decided that she wanted to come down for a few
days by herself (without her mommy, she is so funny) we had a good
time. unfortunately I was still suffering from a concussion so we
didn't run around as much as I would like to have.
Judy and Sherry from Reedsport were here for a few days for a
conference at the convention center, I enjoyed getting together with
them. It was so much fun to have them here.
Alexis decided it was her turn to come down.. so she was here for
several days... by then my head was semi normal (shut up!) no
dizziness or headaches. We had such a great time.. we walked and
walked and went to the beach. we shopped, we went to lunch. The Gross
family came down and they went to the beach and she had a
great time with the boys. We are so blessed to have them so much closer to us.
Of course we got together with our friends Monte and Phyllis.. not as
much as we would like because of everything going on.. but we did
take a trip to Newport for Roberts Birthday.. what a great time
we had. we stayed at a place that Robert and I stayed at all the time
when we were younger. Monte and Phyllis turned us on to two games we
have never played before.. "Mexican Dominoes", and "Sequence", they are
both fun games. We shopped but I told Robert nothing for me.. it was
his birthday and he was the only one that was going to buy something..
he bought himself a hat, he was very happy. The next day everyone went
to breakfast with out me.. (I wanted to sleep in) Robert brought me
back a glass sand dollar that I saw while we were out the day
before.he is so good to me. The kids and I went together to buy him
the phone that he wants.. it is like the blackberry but it is by
Cingular. We had a great time driving around checking out the areas..
looking at houses.
On the way home Robert decided to show we a different route home..
going through Pacific City.. we stopped for lunch at a great place for
lunch.. The Pelican Brewery.. you need to go.. food was great and the
view was awesome. Looks like a up and coming town.. lots of surfers,
sand boarders and volleyball players.
I have been busy with my volunteering at the hospital, and I have
started working now and then at the convention center Latte' cart. I
have had a great time doing that. I only work when there are events
that would sell coffee. There were a couple of events that I broke a
sweat. (*grin*) just think about it.. you can have a latte' whenever
you want... what a job!! Weirdest thing happened.. the owner said he
wants to sell the cart.. I was telling my boss at the hospital and she
told me the hospital one was for sale also... well Robert and I are thinking of
buying the one in the convention center.. for a couple of reasons.. 1.
you only work the events. 2. the hospital doesn't do well it and you
have to pay rent (small hospital) the one at the convention center you
just have to pay a % of profit. Robert can help weekends and evenings
if the time arises. He already has helped make shots one day when I
was alone and I was busy.. he came by to see how I was doing..
everyone got a kick out of him showing up in uniform. We will let you
know how that goes, if we decide to do it.
We are happy to say that Robert's mom is feeling better.. and
hopefully she will continue on that road, She is doing well adjusting
to the independent living apartment. My mom is going to have a procedure
done on Wednesday for her heart.. I hope that goes well.. she is
worried she is going to have to have a stint put in.
Update… Mom came through well… they had to put in three stints ,
and already in her room.. Wanting to go home.. But she has to do a
night in the hospital.
I am not sure that I have covered everything.. But I did my best.
Hugs.. To you all.. Love Joy and Bob
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