I love this picture of Alexis.. I played around with Photo shop and did a black and white with a little color.
The weather has been a bit crazy around here… Storming.. High Winds.. The winds flipped our patio table over on its side and the glass top on the ground… didn’t break.. We had our blow up pumpkins and turkey on the deck so the kids could see them when they came over but the wind was just too much and we feared they would end in the ocean… or torn to shreds. So they were moved into the house to dry out.

Everyone said we were going to get tons of kids for Halloween.. So we bought a bunch of candy.. We only had 15 at the most.. So needless to say we have a lot of candy left over. I think with all the events at school.. And local stores they don’t go to houses much anymore.
We went to Jade and Debs the day they were taking the boys to the pumpkin patch… we had so much fun.. I don’t know who had the most fun.. The boys , or us watching them.. We went on a hay ride, and we all enjoyed that also. We bought many pumpkins and then made our way home for a great meal.

The coffee stand has kept me busy… I worked two large events and I worked up a sweat. Phyllis came down to help me … she was awesome. The event with 1200 students she had to leave at 3:00 and when she left all heck broke loose and thank goodness for my hubby.. He came down and helped.. .I must have sold a couple hundred Italian Sodas. And 50 something chi teas. I have another large student event coming up next week and I am going to stock up for that.. I actually ran out of stuff and Robert and Monte brought it down.. But then we ended up having to buy more again.. the next day I worked by my self.. Yikes.. That was an experience.. But I did it.
Monte and Phyllis came down for the yearly stormy weather art festival… and it was really stormy this time.. LoL.. We were soaked to the bone. We of course had to do the usual art galleries and shops we like. While Phyllis and I were working the coffee stand… Robert and Monte were at home fixing lighting and surprised me… by getting the garage organized… I was so shocked… and thankful.. .I was able to park in the garage and it was so nice since the weather has been so bad.
I went to take pictures of the stormy cove area.. My favorite place to go.. It was crazy wild.. I wish my pictures really showed how crazy it was.. I loved it.. The waves actually came up over the road and brought with it rocks and logs. They had to close it for awhile. When they reopened I went to take pictures… while I was there I had to take off running when a wave came way up.. And then I was taking pictures and saw something wash up on the rocks turns out it was a huge seal.. But he was deceased… looks like he might have been lunch for something much larger… and in a blink the ocean came and picked him up again.

Robert has been at his mom’s helping her get settled in and moving items out of her house and getting things ready to put up for sale. She has been trying to pare down for her little apartment.
Alexis and Danelle’ are here visiting for a few days and we are have a great time with them. The girls and I spent the day down at the prom yesterday ( so glad we did.. It is pouring today). We went shopping and they went on the carousel twice each… we went for coffee (and cocoa) .. We walked down to the water of course they wanted to go on the beach and I said no way… it started raining and we had to run for our lives.
We sure have enjoyed them being here.. Danelle’ wanted a new book so we bought her one and Robert read it to them last night. You really should see my house… it looks like I have had 6 kids here instead of two little girls.. Sunday we are heading up to Deb and Jades.. Jade is going to take care of all 4 of the kids while Deb and I go to Costco home store to look at Beds.. Wooohooo… and hopefully have time for some other fun things.

Robert is home early today which is nice… he has been working the road in this wild weather. He looked so cute in his little rain gear uniform. I am sure he is very tired.. but he has been having fun with the girls and helping Alexis with her homework.. but he is barely hanging on.. he needs to go to bed. I really need to get the blog updated more often.. then it won't be so hard each time.
Thats it for now... take care and let us know how you are doing