I had to show you these also.. I took these while was out walking at Jade and Deb's I love how the road looks going up to his house.. it is so beautiful.
I had 600 hundred students from the 2006 Archdiocesan Youth Conference of Portland. They were here for 2.5 days.. What a great group of kids... I worked a full 12 hours on Saturday only half of a day on Sunday... but fun was had by all. Robert was going to help me, but he forgot that he had a Special Olympics meeting so I worked it by myself. Everyone was so nice that I never stressed at all. I sold a ton of coffee to the parents so they could keep up with the kids.. *grin*
I crashed on Monday.. I couldn't hardly get out of my own way.. lol
I have to show you what my daughter and her husband brought back from New York for me.. I was so excited.. I love it!!

Robert and I have been getting rooms ready for the kids and that leads to other things.. yikes.. we have been organizing and cleaning.. we have gone through a ton of things.. and after the holidays we will get back to painting. We went through all the toys and cleaned out garbage and cleaned them up a bit. rearranged one of the guest rooms.. it is amazing the things you find.
thats it for now.
hello Joy - I came across your blog from a comment you left at Amy's blog... the picture of the lighthouse, your icon, was immediately familiar as my husband and I spend part of our summer in Oregon every year! In reading your blog I see you at Seaside - we've been here too! If we could choose where to live it would be the Oregon coast as its so beautiful. I look forward to visiting you here often!
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