Tuesday Robert and I went to Costco.. I have no idea how we did it but we spent $250.00 on food for Thanksgiving.. and we haven't even gone to the regular grocery store. I bought 63.00 in coffee, Hersey's chocolate and whipped cream for the coffee cart... tomorrow I have to go to Cash and Carry and buy Cups, Lids, and syrups.. gotta love that coffee! It is fun to shop for the Coffee cart.. Robert and I had a good time buying.. he keeps telling me buy buy.. lol he says its not like you are not going to use it.
We had a great Thanksgiving... had all the kids home and their kids.. that was 8 adults and 7 grand babies.. 7 can you believe that! we had a great time, food was good. It was crazy fun.. Kids everywhere.. I do miss having kids at home. After dinner the kids said they were going to have a performance, Alexis held the music and Andrew played the trumpet.. it was so much fun.

Oh my gosh.. And I forgot to tell you that, Thanksgiving morning we woke up to a defrosted freezer in my brand new refrigerator.. I am so glad that we decided to keep the old refrigerator and we all loaded up our arms and took everything downstairs into the garage. When the repair man came on Monday he said the computer board was bad!! What luck we have, that is the second brand new fridge that broke in under a month of having it. So parts are on order, I am going to go up and talk to the owner of the store next week and see what he has to say about it.
The day after Thanksgiving Phil and Andrew went crabbing.. but didn’t come home with anything! hmmm.. what was up with that. *grin* I went to run the coffee cart.. the convention center had a Christmas craft show.. wow was it busy and I was on my feet for 14 hours the first day.. but I did get to go home and open presents with the kids since we will not have Christmas with them. Everyone came down to see me, and I made everyone Italian sodas... the grand kids thought that was the neatest thing.. and the adults had drinks also. I loved on the babies then they all headed over to the carousel mall and they rode the carousel 4 times. Anne, Mark and girls headed home right after that and then Roxane, Phil, Andrew, and Bree headed home later in the afternoon. Later that night Deb came down to the craft show with Corbin and then walked around town. Saturday Jade, Deb, Robert and the boys stopped by on their way to the beach. Then it was off to the aquarium and then out for pizza... they came back to see me and brought me left over pizza. Jade, Deb and the boys said goodbye and they too were off to home.
I have still been busy learning digital scrap booking. I bought a new digital camera .. That has been great fun. It sure is hard to get everyone to sit at the same time.. lol but it was so much fun taking pictures of the day.

clink here for a few more photos.
It was hard to say goodbye to everyone we were happy that Deb and Jade and the boys could stay an extra day. We probably won't get to see anyone again until after the first of the year as Christmas is with the their spouses family this year.
Jade and Deb gave me my birthday present while they were here, it is this beautiful black purse.. I am so blessed.

I worked the cart the next day it was very busy and it was fun meeting people from all over.. I think they were happy with the turnout.. although the last day was really stormy.
I pretty much was trying to rest up from the long days, and Robert went back to work. This Thursday we had a nice lunch at the convention center put on by the city for the City employees, they charged you 4 cans of food to come.. it was a wonderful way to collect food for the food bank. The lunch was so very good... I was able to pick up a couple of new recipes. They really did do a great job.. I stayed after Robert went back to work.. I help do dishes.. Wow… I never cleaned in a professional kitchen before.. It was amazing.. And I was quite wet when I was done.
Yesterday we finalized the coffee cart and it is ours, yippee.. After the holidays we will start painting and cleaning it up.. I will show a before and after picture.. It looks pretty rough right now.
We were suppose to go to the governors ball in Portland today.. But I have been sick since the luncheon at the convention center.. yikes.. I thought maybe I had food poisoning.. But it is like a virus.. We were going to meet Judy and Mike Macho there.. And spend the night at Monte and Phyllis’s and hang out with them for awhile. We have not been to Monte and Phyllis for a long time. I just was not feeling up to it.. I tried but it wasn’t going to happen.. I tried to get Robert to go with out me but he wouldn’t go. We hung around the house I sure hope that I am feeling better tomorrow.. I don’t like this. Robert worked out today and then went to the store.. We made Turkey soup.. He just brought some down to me to try and I am having a hard time even looking at it.. Boy you know I am sick.
Yeahhhh... I am feeling much better today.. tired but good. I went and volunteered at the hospital and then went to print the Police Department and our personal Christmas card, they were so busy that I could tell they were stressed.. I told them I would be back on Tuesday.. I could tell they were relieved. I went to the convention center to tell them the coffee cart was now ours and they just had to tell me that the book store was going out of business so I had to run over there, I bought 3 books and since I was that close..... I had to run into Liz Claiborne *grin* then I headed home.
So.. Robert asked me for a Christmas List.. and I don't know how to do it online so I am going to do it here.. hi honey.. I knew you would read this... *grin*...
sooo... I would love any one of these items..
1. Camera Bag

Link to Website..click on shop..I would love to have the one called "Happy" as in the picture I posted above no monogram.


Link to Costco
Ok babe... where is your list?
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