click here for more awesome snow pictures.
Hello everyone..it certainly has been interesting since my last post.
Christmas was spent in Tri-Cities.. it was so much fun to see everyone. We were so exited because we never get to see snow (ok... so I am going to eat those words.. lol... and our first day there it snowed and I was so exited. Bug went out in it and he was so cute. Robert's mother gave us some money for Christmas.. I told Robert it was time for him to get a laptop.. he has wanted one for many years...and he never would buy one.. he had one that Jade gave him.. and it is time to retire that one.
We were able to see Roxane and the babies, AnneMarie and her family were in Mexico for Christmas .. poor things were sick for he first few days... but they had a wonderful time.. Jade & Deb were at her families and had a great time.. Jade had a surprise birthday party for Deb on the 27th... we all had a wonderful time. we drove up to Yakima for that.
We came home and I had coffee to serve for several conventions... Robert came and helped me.. It was really great how we worked together.. it just flowed. This past week we had the Law enforcement convention... that was interesting.. lol.. just kidding.. it was good.. but they were a little amused when they came out on break and Robert was there helping me make coffee. we had a great time. I couldn't believe that on the day before the conference it was so beautiful.. click here to see more pictures.
So it was a little slippery for awhile.. and for the first time since I have owned my 4 wheel drive I used it.. can you imagine.. at the beach... that is too funny... I could not get up our street or out of my driveway.. it was awesome how it worked.. lol.. you are never too old to learn something new.
update as of 1/27 I am sorry this hasn't made it out yet.. but I have not been feeling the greatest. I decided I am going to send it out anyway and add as I go. Robert had to take me to the ER at 5am last Wednesday... 7 hours, 1 xray, 1 CT scan, and many drugs.. they didn't know what was causing the severe pain that made me wish I was in labor instead. They did tell me to follow up with my DR. so I will see him on the 6th.. and now I have just a nagging ache not a pain. Poor Robert got home and took care of me for the rest of the after noon then went in and did a swing shift.
We are happy to say that Roberts mom is doing well enough to go on her yearly trip to Texas... we are so happy for her. Yeahhhhh Shirley... go and have a wonderful time.

I had to show you an update of BUG... he is getting so big.. he has a thing for ears.. if you notice his toys.. an ear is missing on each one...goofy dog.. Robert and Bug napping on saturday.
talk to you later.. Joy
I just had to comment ... I live in Kennewick! I'm on the northwest digiscrappers group also; only been there a week or so myself. Too neat that you're from my neck of the woods! We went to Seaside over spring break last year and loved it. We're thinking of going again this year, depends on the mood we're in!
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